WinPSAR Reports

Managing Report Variables

 WinPSAR offers you various options for controlling the basis for the final valuation report. You can...


WinPSAR Valuation Report

  Search parameters and detailed characteristics of the subject property, including physical characteristics, tax and owner information, and sale information.

  A summary of findings from the two WinPSAR analyses and averages for basic characteristics of the sales sample used in the report provides, at a glance, the information necessary for loan determination. A distribution table shows how the subject property fares, relative to other properties in the area.

Click Here to see the first page of a sample WinPSAR Valuation Report.
Warning, this is a large file!

  If a disparity exists between the WinPSAR estimated market value and the value anticipated by the applicant, you can review the ten selected regression comparables and the ten selected market comparables that most closely match the subject property. A market trend analysis for the property area is also shown here.

Click Here to see page two of a sample WinPSAR Valuation Report.
Warning, this is a large file!

  For a more detailed look at a comparable, WinPSAR provides side-by-side comparisons of the subject property to the most similar properties in the sales sample, characteristic by characteristic (including the value added to or subtracted from a sales sample property to determine its adjusted value relative to the subject property).

Click Here to see page three of a sample WinPSAR Valuation Report.
Warning, this is a large file!